[PDF] The Science Of Being Great
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The next important point to rememberabout the Science of Being Well is thatit deals with a matter of spirit, and istherefore entirely above the plane ofsense. The sense plane is theplane of the senses; but the planeof the spirit is the plane ofthe Eternal.
Human nature is created for God,but human nature is created forselfishness. That is the reasonwhy the notion of the self is the mostabstract, and the most impossible toapply. It is not a concrete thing that canbe applied to, but it is necessarythat it be a living thing in orderto be applied to. The self canonly be applied to, if it is a livingbeing; and it is only a self inthat relation to the Supreme thatit is capable of being applied to.
In plain words, you must applythe method to yourself, and you mustapply your faith to yourself. It is ofno value to sit down and think ofhealth and apply it to another. Itis equally of no value to only think ofcures and apply them to another. It isof supreme importance to apply curesand faith to oneself. The Scienceof Being Well is not a systematicto be applied to others; it is a systematicto be applied to one's self; for onself the faith is working.
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