Design Of Prestressed Concrete Structures Pdf Download __FULL__
Provides examples of damage and failure in prestressed concrete structures. Explains the importance of understanding the properties and behaviour of concrete and describes the structural and material qualities of prestressed concrete and of the material and design strategies to achieve the optimum performance.
Chapter 10 - Trusses (PDF 11.2MB) provides a comprehensive explanation of the design and construction of reinforced, prestressed and pretensioned concrete trusses. The chapter explains the governing principles, provides an overview of the design and application of prestressed trusses, and provides practical design and detailing examples.
Chapter 11 - Concrete Shear Walls (PDF 10.4MB) provides a comprehensive explanation of the design and construction of reinforced, prestressed and pretensioned concrete shear walls. The chapter explains the governing principles, describes the design and application of prestressed shear walls, and provides practical design and detailing examples.
Chapter 8 - Concrete and Steel Framing (PDF 29.1MB) provides a comprehensive guide to the design and use of reinforced, prestressed and pretensioned concrete framing systems. The use of pre-stressed steel framing is one of the fastest growing areas of reinforced and prestressed concrete design. The principles of pre-stressing will be covered in this chapter, and the system design will be covered in the following chapters.
Chapter 9 - Slabs and Beams (PDF 1.8MB) provides design and construction guidance for reinforced, prestressed and pretensioned concrete slabs and beams. It is important to understand the properties of concrete when designing reinforced and prestressed concrete slabs, beams and columns. The chapter provides a clear explanation of these properties and the governing principles.
Chapter 6 - Prestressed Concrete Systems (PDF 8.8MB) is an introduction to the engineering of prestressed concrete systems. It explains the basic construction principles of prestressed concrete and stress distribution between prestressing and concrete. The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidelines on the application of prestressed concrete for building systems.
Chapter 7 - Concrete Piling (PDF 6.0MB) provides an overview of the techniques used to build up foundations with concrete pylons. It is essentially an extension of chapter 6 and provides more detail of its construction requirements and the design and performance of the material.
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