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It was serialised by Kodansha and was released in 14 volumes between 2000 and 2005, with an additional side-story volume being released in 2002. The volumes, barring the side-story volume, were published in English and German by Tokyopop, in French by Kurokawa and in Italian by Star Comics. The manga was adapted to a TV drama series that aired in Japan on TBS in 2003, and a South Korean film in 2011. The manga is adapted to a second, reboot, TV drama series aired on Fuji TV in 2017 with totally different cast.
A live-action Japanese drama series of ten episodes aired on TBS between April and June 2003. The opening and closing theme was "Darling" by V6. Sumire was played by Koyuki and Momo was played by Jun Matsumoto.
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The 80th annual Pulitzer Prizes for journalism, letters, drama and music were announced this week. To learn about the history of the awards and get a list of the winners, log on to the Pulitzer web site. It has the biographies of the winners and exhibits of their entries. 2b1af7f3a8