Methodist Church Ghana Constitutional Pdf Download __FULL__
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It is also possible that the BM Church could potentially impact the theology of those churches which were formed by those who joined the BM Church. By way of illustration, the Deed of Union, which forms part of the formalities of the BM Church, has a number of formalities which are of a peculiarly Methodist nature. The Deed of Union (1932:4), for example, states:
Therefore, in order to introduce this methodology into BM theological discourse, and in order to begin to address the questions raised above, it is suggested that this methodology be fused with a number of post-BM theological approaches which have identified and explored the theological and methodological questions raised by the development of the BM Church. For example, there are a number of post-BM theological projects which have struggled to explore the theological implications of a church which claims continuity with the BM Church. In this regard, it would be helpful for these writers to explore the implications of the BM Church for the theology of the BM Church. For example, it is possible that the Deed of Union, in addition to developing the doctrine of Methodism, might also provide a theology of the BM Church.
This emphasis on the authority of the BM Conference might be viewed by some as problematic. However, it is possible that certain aspects of the BM Church might actually be viewed as a step away from the BM Church. For example, the Deed of Union was formulated on the basis of establishing the authority of the BM Conference.
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