Portrait Of A Call Girl XXX [TOP]
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The weird lady who had also taken Elle away from her mother has returned to claim her. Her not very sympathetic face and cold voice suggest that she has had her fill of Elle. She is fairly unsympathetic, and she doesn't even know that the girl is a call girl. She's just a kid who was taking care of some goods at her uncle's shop. The lady tells Elle that her mother had sent her to an orphanage in Budapest, and she is going with the lady to her uncle's shop, and she'll be taken care of there. She's going to live with the uncle and his wife in a big apartment. She has to clean the room, and get up at 7 a.m. The girl doesn't want to go. Aunt Hermina asks her to take her to the child welfare office, and the strange lady lets her go. But she takes her to the Jewish Council offices, where she is handed over to the strange lady. Elle doesn't want to go.
The phone rang in the kitchen, and then there was a ruckus up the stairs in the attic. Avoice was shouting for help. It was the Mother Superior, who had been dozing. She calledthe girls to her. They ran up the stairs, and she called for the father, who was in hisroom and had gone to bed. He was still wearing his pajamas. 827ec27edc