Subtitle Gravity
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This monograph provides an introduction to deformations of Poincaré symmetries focusing on models with a Lie group momentum space and associated non-commutative space-times. The emphasis is put on the emergence of such structures from quantum gravity, their mathematical features described in terms of Hopf algebras and applications to particle kinematics and field theory.
Part I of this work focuses on the link between gravity and deformed symmetries in the case of 2+1 and 3+1 space-time dimensions. Part II is devoted to the description of classical particles with group valued momenta, their phase spaces and kinematics. The last part of these notes provides an introduction to the basic features of classical and quantum field theory on κ-Minkowski space-time, the prototypical example of non-commutative space-time exhibiting deformed Poincaré symmetry.
The text, being the first providing a detailed overview of these topics, is primarily intended for researchers and graduate students interested in non-commutative field theories and quantum gravity phenomenology.
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman is a professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Wroclaw and at National Centre for Nuclear Research in Warsaw. He got his PhD in 1985 from the University of Warsaw and habilitation in 1994 from the University of Wroclaw and full professorship in 2002. His research interests include quantum gravity and quantum gravity phenomenology, non-commutative field theories, cosmology, and string theory. He is author of more than hundred research papers published on international peer reviewed journals.
Notice that here I set the AppBar height as 300dp and the app:expandedTitleMarginBottom is 160dp so the title won't go down and conflict with the out subtitle. In this example you should set CollapsingToolbarTitle dynamically in the runtime with collapsingToolbarTitle.setTitle("My Title"); method.
I also had the same issue. In the end I made a LinearLayout that contains the title and subtitle and then set the expandedTitleTextAppearance to be transparent - effectively hiding the Toolbar title when the Layout is expanded. Using this approach the toolbar collapses over the LinearLayout and in the end only shows the title in the collapsed state.
I have used a toolbar with subtitles and as well as using a layout_height="wrap_content" I also add a minHeight. This will ensure your toolbar is at least the minimum height. I've not seen it jump in height or crop but I always have a subtitle set.
I had used layout_height=actionBarSize for a long time even with subtitles present and never came across this issue (testing on various emulators and pixel phone). I applied this fix now after seeing my subtitle being cut-off on a Samsung Galaxy phone. Seems to me that this issue depends on how the system sets up the subtitle spacing.
The problem is that you have specified the layout height as ?attr/actionBarSize. This should be fine if you were not specifying a subtitle as this is tailor made for title only. My suggestion is to make android:layout_height="wrap_content" and instead use the minHeight parameter of the toolbar. Hence your xml becomes-
In my case, I use a custom font (NotosanJP) for my project so my Toolbar sub title is cut of. Without using a custom font, it works well.So my solution is to change the text size inToolbar.After debug, I found that the default size of my current Toolbar title is 20 and Toolbar subtitle is 16. So I reduce it by 2
In addition to what the accepted answer suggests, adding android:minHeight="?attr/actionBarSize", I'd also suggest you add a bottom padding. In my case, if I didn't do it, depending on the system font size, the subtitle was almost cut by the end of the toolbar. If you have the space, just add android:paddingBottom="6dp"
  (a)   Subject to the hearing provisions of § 12-838 of this subtitle, the Board may deny a license to an applicant, refuse to renew a license, reprimand a licensee, suspend or revoke a license, or impose a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 if the Board finds that the applicant or licensee:     (1)   fraudulently or deceptively obtains or attempts to obtain a license;     (2)   fails to notify the Board or the owner or lessee of an elevator or related mechanism of any condition not in compliance with Part II of this subtitle;     (3)   violates this subtitle;     (4)   transfers the authority granted by a license to another person;     (5)   installs, repairs, or maintains an elevator or assists in the installation, repair, or maintenance of an elevator in a negligent or careless manner; or     (6)   willfully or deliberately disregards and violates a building code, electrical code, or construction law of the State or a county or municipal corporation of the State.   (b)   In determining the appropriate penalty to be imposed under subsection (a) of this section, the Board shall consider:     (1)   the gravity of the violation;     (2)   the good faith of the violator;     (3)   the number and gravity of previous violations by the same violator;     (4)   the harm caused to the complainant, the public, and the elevator mechanic profession;     (5)   the assets of the violator; and     (6)   any other factors that the Board considers relevant. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Free Daily Summaries in Your Inbox You're all set! You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. You can explore additional available newsletters here.
Alfonso Cuarón. USA, 2013. Original version, Spanish subtitles. Two astronauts, Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney), are fixing a satellite outside their shuttle when they fall victim to a serious accident that leaves them floating in space and trying to find a solution that will get them safely back to Earth. This intense thriller with sublime visual resources that transport us to outer space is the film that kicks off the 12th season of open-air movie screenings this summer in the gardens at the Castillo de Montjuïc-foso de Santa Eulàlia. Get there early to catch music from jazz group WOM Trio (8.45pm) and an aerial dance performance from the Del Revés company (10pm).Time Out review
This paper presents a new clustering algorithm inspired by Newtonian gravity that iteratively groups data and eliminates outliers. In particular, we impose a grid over the region of interest and define a particle with data-dependent mass for each grid square. We then calculate a Newtonian inspired force on each of the particles and move them in the direction of the force. We repeat the process until there is no further movement. We compare performance with existing algorithms and show that in cases of medium to high clutter, our algorithm has an order of magnitude lower estimation error.
N2 - This paper presents a new clustering algorithm inspired by Newtonian gravity that iteratively groups data and eliminates outliers. In particular, we impose a grid over the region of interest and define a particle with data-dependent mass for each grid square. We then calculate a Newtonian inspired force on each of the particles and move them in the direction of the force. We repeat the process until there is no further movement. We compare performance with existing algorithms and show that in cases of medium to high clutter, our algorithm has an order of magnitude lower estimation error.
AB - This paper presents a new clustering algorithm inspired by Newtonian gravity that iteratively groups data and eliminates outliers. In particular, we impose a grid over the region of interest and define a particle with data-dependent mass for each grid square. We then calculate a Newtonian inspired force on each of the particles and move them in the direction of the force. We repeat the process until there is no further movement. We compare performance with existing algorithms and show that in cases of medium to high clutter, our algorithm has an order of magnitude lower estimation error.
Particle flows in an annular shear cell are investigated under stress-controlled conditions with and without the influence of gravity. The well-acknowledged discrete element method (DEM) is applied to perform the numerical study in order to achieve data for microdynamic analysis. This study focuses on understanding the influence of gravity on some key properties of the flows such as particle velocity, angular velocity, inter-particle force and moment. The results indicate that there is a clear difference in flow characteristics between consideration of presence of gravity and absence of gravity at low externally applied load by shear cell platen on particle assembly. This difference is overcome when the applied load on particle assembly is increased to a sufficient magnitude. This study is expected to produce valuable results contributing to the research field for the future.
N2 - Particle flows in an annular shear cell are investigated under stress-controlled conditions with and without the influence of gravity. The well-acknowledged discrete element method (DEM) is applied to perform the numerical study in order to achieve data for microdynamic analysis. This study focuses on understanding the influence of gravity on some key properties of the flows such as particle velocity, angular velocity, inter-particle force and moment. The results indicate that there is a clear difference in flow characteristics between consideration of presence of gravity and absence of gravity at low externally applied load by shear cell platen on particle assembly. This difference is overcome when the applied load on particle assembly is increased to a sufficient magnitude. This study is expected to produce valuable results contributing to the research field for the future. 781b155fdc