Copybot Download Secondlife
where you can create a account and download a ascent viewer wich easy copybots stuff..either skins or even objects. And this is seariously bad for every creator on sl and someone should shut down that side
Seems like they allready disbabled the new registrations, wich is a good thing, cuz that means that not more ppl can download the viewer...but still..the ppl that allready have it..can pass it arround anyway
The bad thing about this side is, of course that you can download the viewer there but even more bad is that you can even download skins and all that directly on that side -.- even whole avatars..that means you dont even have to actually use the viewer
Viewer hacks are nothing new and ascent isn't the first to get it i've seen youtube clips of people using neillife copy bot viewer hacks to turn Phoenix viewer from a legit viewer to a bot masquerading as phoenix at least on the log in page since there seems to be an option to change the viewer channel so you show as using a different viewer. i must stress these viewers are compiled and modified by self compilers using freely downloadable source code and not the official viewer devs
Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended Postsblueangels4slPosted May 10, 2013blueangels4slResident 1Share Posted May 10, 2013 A few days ago someone send me a link to a web forum called goonsqaud. I decided to sign up and ended up downloading on of their viewers called shooperlife. Only minutes after i loggin a guy forced tp me to his sim and stripped off all my clothes,rezzed my inventory on the ground and logged me out with the message "owned by goonsqaud" I quickly removed the client from my pc and tried to login to change my password but it was to late . The hackers already changed the password to my account and email so i end up calling LL and they put the account on hold .
If you are in doubt of ever joining a new group in Second Life, go to google, and search the group name, and add soemthing like "XXX Name of group" CopyBot" If its a known copybot group that I know of I have exposed it publically on unofficial fourms to avoid LL TOS I would avoid these for your own safety but do as you wish all evidence reguarding such has also been publically noted in many cases I can't post links here due to TOS, but others I know also do the same thing its a good way to avoid getting involved with such people and taking a stand to support the merchants you love.
Im sorry correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't that a copybotting team ? Why would you even dare to download anything from them, the only way you would actually want to download something from them is to copybot. I mean it just doesn't make any sense to why you would even what the viewer in the first place. Especially if you type into google goonsquad secondlife, the first thing you see are griefering complaints. Sorry but no sympathy for you. Sounds like you were either doing something sneaky and got bit in the butt. Or you're just really not that bright to be honest.
As for personally taking out the trash I know who it was who compromised my account, It was the goons, and to be specific it was the person who had 5 copybotting accounts ripped off many merchants, made friends with friends I knew and when I found out about it I personally reported it, and it wasn't the fact they just had a bot but it was the fact they ripped off over 20+ different merchants I knew of, and then a few months following tried to frame me by sending out a big notecard of stolen content with my name on it, and finally the only way to get revenge was actually hacking the account, but they didn't get anywhere really did what virtual damage by deleting my inventory, well im still here they failed.
No. There aren't. There are NO reasons within the bounds of decent behavior to download a copybot viewer (the sole exception being someone from LL doing so to gain intelligence on defeating it). Unless you are an employee of Linden Lab, which I very much doubt, using a copybot viewer AT ALL makes you one with the Goon Squad and the supposed protectors like the Justice League.
you can not see if somebody is a copybotterif your demo items are so easely turned to full items by a botter you need to change your demoLL does not discuss in any matter the outocome of a reportif LL doesn't see a reason or find directions to that in the behaviour of the reported acounnt, they won't act on itLL can do as much as possible in the code to prevent copybotting, but no system is waterproof and the botters will be able to walk around any block thats made faster than it's implemented in the software.It's not only in SL, see the amount of other game assets that are brought in here.As last, there is not many really unique stuff in sl .. when one can make it, another one can make a perfect copy/lookalike too, don't confuse that with copybotting. My prim looks the same as yours ...It's more like in RL, buyers have to be educated that 5 L$ full perm from one day old accounts are smelly ... don't buy it. This type of botters only exists because there is a market.
The problem is basic. Somewhere there is a server with a digital something you want to see or hear. For you to see it the server has to send you a copy. Your computer takes that copy of 0's and 1's and turns it into what you see or hear on your computer. The computer may save that data as a file, which is what the viewer has done with the files in its cache. Since something in your computer knows how to convert that data to its final render it should be obvious that anyone can eventually figure out how that is done and do it. In the case of the SL viewers, which are open source, all the how-to is in the open source code available to everyone. One doesn't have to figure out much. Literally, the hard work is already done. With some minor effort anyone can build a copybot viewer and that has been done frequently.
CopyBot is a project by Libsecondlife in an effort to provide a tool for the end user to back up and download/upload one's own creations. Under its more famous features, it had the ability to copy the prims it sees on someone's avatar, or an individual free-standing object. It did not have the ability to copy the contents of objects, including any scripts that may have been used.
People will just ignore the ban in the same way that they ignore the laws about illegal downloads. This is a PR tactic to appease people who don't really understand how SL works. If LL says there is no gambling in world then obviously there must be no gambling. lulz
For those who never got a chance to get the game when it was first released last year, Sony's Playstation website has just put up a downloadable demo for their title Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, just like they said they would. Anyway, if you happen to be unfamiliar with this game, or would like to introduce this title to a friend, now's your chance. The game follows the exploits of the special operative Gabe Logan, who is sent to investigate the mysterious activities within an Alaskan oil reserve. However, our hero finds out that he has barely just scratched the surface of a vast, international plot that may put the lives of millions of people in danger. Now, we're not gonna spoil it for you in case you haven't looked up the entire plot on Google yet. However, we do have to warn you that the demo will require FW3.11, so if you're the type who dislikes upgrades, you might want to consider installing the necessary homebrew application onto your PSP first. Otherwise, go ahead and download the demo, take a dip and see if this game is your cup of tea. Get it at the>psp downloads blog.
Anyways. You attributing the success of PS1/PS2 and Xbox to some sort of copy protection sceme is misplaced.People would of bought them either way.ID software allows you to download the game itself off their ftp server. You just need the data files. It's not regulated, it's no charge. The 'cdkey' protection is laughably easy to circumvent. But they are still able to make a boatload worth of money. Sure you didn't know anybody that used cracking to circumvent Xbox protection, but I bet you also didn't actually ask anybody did you?My mom had a plumber try to sell her PS games for a dozen for 20 bucks when he found out that I liked playing video games. Yes, it was a bit weird.I know people that have cracked Xbox scemes to install Linux.I've cracked protection scemes in DVD devices to play non-US videos.I knew a guy that cracked the protection scemes in his PS2 so he could play japanese games in it.I would say that these devices succeed despite the protection scemes. Second Life and Open Source Posted Dec 16, 2006 18:49 UTC (Sat) by mikov (guest, #33179) [Link]
"There were a ton of awesome experiences," Blair tells me. "The more involved I got in them the less I was aware of the outside world or really even having a body outside the limited actions inside. Bandit Six, where you're a WWII tailgunner shooting Nazis out of the sky. It just sucked me in and became completely immersive. My world was just sitting in the back of that plane shooting down Nazis. The other game that really got me was this amazingly complex puzzle strategy game called Darknet. You download yourself into a matrix like network of nodes and information. Then use viruses to try and weaken firewalls and work your way towards the root before the network trace reaches you. There's also a fantastic Zelda-like RPG called Herobound which has grabbed me in how well done it handles third person cartoon worlds." 2b1af7f3a8